Our Services

We don't have a rate book / hourly rate because everything is tailored to what you need

IT WOULD BE NICE TO HEAR WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING TO ACHIEVE - just drop us an email, complete the contact form  by clicking "contact me"or reach out via facebook @iammusicvideo

Live Only

We film at your venue

We bring the equipment and we record a set or complete show as required

Studio "Green Screen" Only

Film at our Studio in Essex

You come to us and we do the rest for the entire shoot

Live and Studio

We file LIVE and then run a session with the greenscreen

Over two sessions we meet at the venue and then you come to us to film the green screen and edit it together

Green Screen Hire

Hire the studio

You hire the studio for as long as you need it. BOOKINGs strongly recommended 1 month in advance


|We provide any annimation or art work required for your video

Entros, animations, characters, special effects

Any combination

bespoke requirements

If you  have an idea let us know and we might be able to help with any combination above plus band logo designs, merchandising, short intro clips, technology recommendations

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IAM Music Video Studios


The Street
Toppesfield CO94DJ, GB

About us

Every music video, style and general requirement is different, if you have a project give us call or email to discuss - we don't bite, very often.